The Most Undervalued Shot in Travel Videos:
People's Reactions
Imagine a typical tour experience. We don't necessarily mean seeing Penguins on as beach in Africa, thats pretty incredible! No just any typical excursion on your travels. The experience usually goes like this... park the vehicle, walk to entrance, pay for tickets, go inside and look at what you came to see.
When people film their experiences, they focus their camera on the subject almost entirely. What they are missing is actually the more important thing.... themselves!!! Penguins, the Eiffel Tower & the Terracotta Army (or whatever you are visiting) is the obvious part of the video. It's the part the viewer already knows. However they are probably watching your video to see if it's worth going and that can only be shown by your emotive reaction.
The same can be said for movies. If you watch a dialogue scene between two actors you will notice that more than half the time you are watching the person on the receiving end of the conversation. We understand the talking actors, because we can hear them. We want to understand the listening actor and for that we need to see them. The same thing will make or break how engaging, interesting and useful your video will be.
"Acting is all about reacting"
Get the Reaction!
The reaction shot is only part of a bigger sequence we like to call micro stories.
Read more about MICRO STORIES HERE.
Knowing this kind of info makes the creation process a whole lot more fun. It also speeds it up, saving you time on your travels. Your reaction shot is a priceless memory captured in a single moment and should not be left out. Don't get caught behind your lens while visiting the most extraordinary places on the globe. Get the few shots you need and pack your phone away.
This lesson is taken from our Online Course to teach you how to make engaging short vacation videos.
Please tell us about your Travels in the comments below. What's ben your best location to visit? Did you get the reaction shot?

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